DTS-Si - Technology
DigitalDigital microprocessor continuously senses different speeds and loads on the engine and responds by altering the ignition timing, there by optimising power and fuel economy.
Twin Spark Twin Spark i.e. two spark plugs instead of one, enables fast and efficient combustion leading to better fuel efficiency and higher power as compared to a conventional 4 stroke engine.
Swirl InductionSwirl induction is generated by offset positioning of inlet and outlet ports creating turbulence in the air-fuel mixture inside the engine which enhances combustion efficiency further.
Tricks III
Throttle responsive ignition control system iiird generation. It is a means of controlling the ignition by operating the throttle. Depending on the needs of the rider whether it be cruising, acceleration or max speed, the ignition requirements constantly change. Based on a particular amount of throttle opening, the magnetic field generated by the magnet opens or closes the reed switch. The reed switch is connected to the digital cdi, which signals the cdi to change switch, the desired ignition advance timing maps. This helps in achieving a good balance between driveability and optimum ignition spark advance, resulting in an almost perfect ignition spark advance for every throttle opening and engine rpm.
Ignition With a Digital C.D.I
A digital cdi with an 8 bit microprocessor chip handles the spark delivery. The programmed chip’s memory contains an optimum ignition timing for any given engine rpm, thereby obtaining the best performance characteristics from the combustion chamber. Working together with the tricsiii system, it delivers optimum ignition timing for varying load conditions.
Exhaus TEC
ExhausTEC (Patent Number 231498) is a device incorporated in exhaust system of ‘XCD 135 DTS-Si ’ engine. ‘TEC’ stands for ‘Torque Expansion Chamber’. This world-first technology developed by Bajaj Auto improves the ‘Scavenging’ process. The exhaust system has this revolutionary feature incorporated, which drastically improves engine torque at low revs without compromising anything at mid or high engine revs. It has been extensively optimised to get the maximum possible performance out of the engine. The Silencer also has a characteristic tonal quality to it. It gives out a pleasant sounding low frequency ‘boom’ sound. While meeting the mandatory current noise norms, it gives the bike an identity, which is different from any other bike, so as to make it very unique.
We are pleased to mention that Bajaj has been awarded patent for its innovation “ExhausTEC”, Patent Number 231498
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